The drive from Hallstatt to Innsbruck took us half of a day probably because we kept pulling over to take in the beautiful fall scenery. We've seen some amazing fall colors before in our lives but never like this, and never in Bavaria. The forest is so dense here and the colors are everywhere. Here are some photos we took on the way to Innsbruck.
We made it to Innsbruck, our last stop in Austria before we head over into the German Alps.
We got lost wandering the streets and dipped into different stores to try some local gelato and speck (from our friend Liana Weber's family stores) and also some schnapps. These "Speckerias" specialize in various meats from wild boar to venison and elk, all of the meats are air-cured or smoked.
The streets of Innsbruck are adorable.
We walked over to the ski jump and were lucky enough to see a man practicing his skills. One thing we know for sure is that we will be coming back here in the winter. A perfect place for a ski trip.
See you again soon Innsbruck!