Moose on the loose
We crossed the boarder back into the states and our first stop was Glacier National Park. We entered into the park in the northeastern corner, and because it was early in the summer season the "Going to the Sun Road" wasn't fully open which left this area of the park isolated. We stayed at the Many Glaciers campground which is first come first serve and down a long, bumpy gravel road.
Many Glacier Hotel
Just down the road from our campground was the legendary Many Glacier Hotel. This Swiss-style hotel celebrated it's 100th year anniversary in July. This rustic hotel is dwarfed by mountains and sits on Swiftcurrent Lake.
You do not have to be staying at Many Glacier Hotel to enjoy its splendor. We spent time reading on their porch and sitting by the giant fireplace in the lobby. We highly recommend this cozy little spot.
View from the porch of the Many Glacier Hotel.
Lake Josephine
We hiked to Grinnell Lake which starts from the Many Glacier Hotel. You pass by beautiful Lake Josephine on the way and end at Grinnell Lake where we stopped for a swim.
During our hike to Grinnell Lake we came across a mother Grizzly and her cub. They were walking on the same hiking path that we were, as we turned a corner and looked up and about 40 feet away there they were. Our hearts were racing because we know that you do not want to get between a momma grizzly and her cub. The cub was rather curious of us, and stood on its hind legs. With bear mace in hand we slowly walked backwards. In a few moments the mamma bear moseyed down to the lake with her cub. A little too close for comfort but an unforgettable experience.
We saw more wildlife in Glacier National Park than in any other park, we saw moose, big horn sheep, mountain goats, black bears and GRIZZLYS!
Grizzly bears in the valley
Blackfoot territory
Whitefish Lake campground
Close to Glacier National Park is Whitefish, Montana. This was one of our favorite little towns we visited. The old downtown streets are lined with saloons, shops, and restaurants. We met up with our friends Dan and Jess at a campground right on Whitefish Lake where we stayed for two nights. There was a hexagenia mayfly hatch and the boys spent the evenings out on the lake fishing. After some fishing one night we went into town for some hoe-dancing in an old saloon .
Jeff ties all of his own flies. Tying flies yourself lets you get your representation as close to the actual insect as your tying skills will allow. This is a big split-tail hexagenia mayfly.
Stars over Whitefish Lake.